第200回支部例会(2024.12.16-17 沖縄)
日本農芸化学会中部支部第 200 回例会
2024 年 12 月 16 日(月)~ 17 日(火)
場所:沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST) カンファレンスセンター
+ Zoom によるハイブリット開催
〒904-0495 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字谷茶 1919-1
2024 Sakura-Bio Meeting in OKINAWA として日本生物工学会中部支部・九州支部との合同開催
12 月 16 日(月)
[日本農芸化学会中部支部第 200 回例会農芸化学100周年記念]
13:30-13:35 Opening remarks
13:35-14:05 JSBBA Award for Young Scientists 2023
Dr. Teruyo Kato (Nagoya University)
Microbial application for the industry and efficient production of recombinant proteins
14:05-14:35 JSBBA Awards for Young Women Scientists 2023
Dr. Jasmina Damnjanovic (Nagoya University)
Studies on enzymes and enzyme engineering towards practical application of enzymes as biocatalysts
Symposium: New Trends in Bioengineering
14:45-15:10 Dr. Keisei Sowa (Kyoto University)
Biotechnology inspired by direct electron transfer between enzyme and electrode
15:10-15:35 Dr. Yohei Ishibashi (Kyushu University)
Structural modification of thraustochytrid-specific sterol acyltransferase to improve the sterol/provitamin D3 productivity in A uranti o ch y triu m li m acinu m
15:35-16:00 Dr. Takashi Narihiro (AIST)
Ecogenomics reveals microbial metabolic functions in methanogenic bioreactors 7treating wastewater from plastic raw material production
16:00-16:25 Dr. Hiroshi Kitagaki (Saga University)
Effect of glucosylceramide on microbial inhabitants of humans
16:25-16:30 closing remarks
16:40-18:00 Poster session
【Day 2】
9:00- Oral session
11:00-11:40 Keynote: Dr. Paola Laurino (OIST)
Insertions and Deletions: Unlocking the Functional Switch in Chitinase Enzymes
13:30-14:10 Keynote: (TBC)
14:10- Oral session
【参加費】(Participation fee)
16 日の農芸化学中部支部例会ならびに 17 日の口頭発表などを web でご視聴される場合は、参加費無料です (free to join oral presentations on Dec 16 and Dec 17 online)
対面参加の場合: 一般(General) 5,000 円、学生 (Student) 3,000 円 (交流会費用込み including networking event fee)
【参加申込】(Registration for on-site participation)
Register here.
事前参加申込締切:11 月 4 日(月)12:00
Registration deadline: November 4, 12:00
Only on-site oral and poster presentations are available.
発表要旨 12 月 1 日 12:00
Abstract submission deadline: December 1, 12:00
Web 参加締切:12 月 8 日
Registration for online participation: December 8
2024 Sakura-Bio Meeting in OKINAWA への参加、発表についてはこちらまでお問い合わせください。
Please contact us (mail)
E-mail: chujsbba@agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp